I know that the title might sound poetic but it's not. You see there's these four kittens that lived out side my dad's work and we caught them and brought em home. There's a orange one I named Tiger Lilly.(she's a vises little thing) There's also a gray and white one I named Conner.(he's an explorer and a pro wrestler) And another one that's a creamesh color I named him Slick.(he's a shy one) Last but is last a tiny little dark one named Glenda.
They all have unique personalities, like Glenda pounces or prances around when she walks and follows you that's how I accidentally kept on kicking her. Also how Tiger Lilly and Slick are so dependent. And Conner is so curious.
To bad we gave away Slick he was a cutie. Were gonna give away all of them.
Your's Truley,