Sunday, March 15, 2009

spring break

Spring break is here, spring break is here I'm having a lot of fun when school is out and I get to sleep in late its to bad it does not last all of spring, but if that were to happen they would do it in the middle of spring and not the beginning.


LIT said...

Well, Miss Taz, I just checked the calendar and found that spring begins the last day of your break. Therefore, it should be called the pre-spring break or the last of winter break. Maybe your spring break is yet to come???

Reality is that the school officials are probably distancing you from their annual testing and want to cram some more into your head just before the tests come around. They are a devious lot.

Love you.

Tazzonater said...

I thought spring ended a few weeks ago? I already had my reading TAKS test.

LIT said...

According to my calendar spring begins March 20. Glad to hear your tests are over. Now you can sit back and learn new things.

How are Gabby and Nellie?

Tazzonater said...

Well not all of my tests are over i still have to do my math TAKS.

Nelly and Gabby are doing fine. Gabby got more stubborn and Nelly got a little less hyper.

Tazzonater said...

I keep on checking my comments even though i already know that no body new commented just by looking at the number.

LIT said...

I know just how you feel; the same thing happens to me. It's very disappointing, isn't it?

Hey, spring started today. How many soccer teams are you playing with now? And how are the teams doing?

Tazzonater said...

yes it is very disappointing. I am still playing two but my indoor academy season is almost over we haven't won a game. My other team that Dagromm coaches is doing pretty good we have lost two and won two.

This is like a conversation since no one else had commented (not meaning it in a bad way.) but i know every one is busy.

LIT said...

I can't think of anyone nicer for conversation than you. I'll see if I can muster the troops. Love you, and I appreciate that you continue to blog.

Goo said...

Hey, Taz! I can't believe I haven't checked your blog in more than a week. That's just crazy. What I need to do is subscribe to your blog so that I know when you post and can come right over.

I'm chock full of spring fever myself, but I don't get a spring break. What I do get is lots and lots of work. We've got a bunch of weddings starting next month and that means things start to get super crazy around here. Brides are nuts!

jaz said...

It is my experience the only thing nuttier than the bride is her mother!

Taz, I can't wait for your next story. Maybe springtime will inspire the bunny to new adventures.

Tazzonater said...

The mothers probably are more crazy then the bride.

Goo said...

Oh, you might THINK that the moms are nuttier, but it doesn't always hold true. I've got the cousin of one bride, whose wedding isn't until October, driving me crazy at the moment. First, she's not the bride, so I don't know why she's the one who keeps e-mailing me; second, she doesn't seem to understand I have a lot of other weddings before October, not to mention other church services. Yipes!!

jaz said...

Oh, Goo, but hers is the most important!

Goo said...

It's her cousin's wedding!

LIT said...

You see what happens when you get all these other people posting? They start chatting among themselves, and now instead of having a conversation you find yourself eavesdropping. I guess it's a toss up.

plug said...

My kids' spring break is just about over. They were supposed to go paintballing today but the weather is going to be lousy - 43 with a windchill of 34 and raining. So I'm proposing billiards and bowling instead. I'm not very popular right now - seems they think I control the weather.
I had one day off for spring break.We went to see Rake in "Sweet Charity" at the Virginia Theatre. It was terrific! I wish you coul have seen her, you would be so proud!
I'll try to check more often - I
haven't looked at my non-work email in over a week!