Thursday, August 19, 2010


My cat tigerlilly just had 3 kittens a few days ago does anyone want one?


Goo said...

While I'm very tempted to ask you to mail me a kitten, the truth is I'm allergic and it wouldn't really work out all that well. Good luck finding good homes for the kitties.

Now, who's Tiger Lily? I know Cosmos, but this is a new cat.

Tazzonater said...

Well last year about September my dad found 4 kittens by his office we brought them home to give away there names were Conner, Slick, Tiger Lily, and Glenda (we found out Glenda was a boy so now his name is Argo) Anyways we gave away 2 of them but we ended up keeping Tiger Lily and Argo. We have now had them for almost 10 months but they are actually 11 months. And I told my mom and dad to take them to the vet for the first time in there lives but they waited too long and now we have three baby kittens and we still haven't taken Tiger Lilly and Argo to the vet.

LIT said...

Taz, this reminds me so much of a rescue mission your dad, and Goo, and I undertook many yrs. ago to bring home a mother cat and her kittens which were stranded on the roof of the education bldg. of our church. My mother wound up taking the mother cat, and named her Magnolia, shortened to Maggie. We wound up with Tigger, one of the four kittens. There always seems to be one left over.

Then your uncle, Chill, helped me capture the homeless mother cat and her four kittens who were born under the house next door, and that I was feeding on my front porch. That resulted in my having the mom, PhannyCat (Phantom Cat), and after three were given away at Excalibur, your uncle kept the fourth, Scooter, though there was an opportunity for him to go to another home.

When I read your comment I thought maybe I'd influenced my children too much, giving them hearts that were too kind. But with some consideration I've decided not. I'm very proud of their being the kind and gentle people they are, and I'm glad they are teaching their children that lesson as well.

It's a tough world out there, and there aren't enough kind and gentle people. But we are tough and resilient people as well. And those who are defenseless need a strong and loving defender. We can do that.

Hope you find some really good homes. Remember you can take them to the grocery store parking lot with a FREE KITTENS sign, put up a note at the vet's, whatever it takes. Don't make yourselves "pet poor." And love the heck out of them while they're there.

Love you.

Tazzonater said...

We won't I check in on them a LOT but, we already have enough pets plus right now there 4 days old and Mrs. Daggs said they look like rats.