Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So this is MY first official week of school and my teacher Mrs. Howell is really mean the meanest in the whole rotation!! I had a couple of my friends in my class but they talk to other girls in my class that I don't like. And my old friends I barely get to see because it's always been to hot for outside recess plus I don't really talk to them because it ends up being this akward silence. Other wise schools okay. I embarrassed my self yesterday on the morning announcements in front of my whole school. So I guess school is going okay.


LIT said...

So, does this mean you enjoy misery? Hope not. Things will get better---don't know how, don't know when. But they will.

Love you.

Goo said...

Relax. It's just the first week. People will only remember your embarassment if a) you repeatedly make the same mistake, b) you often remind them of your original mistake, or c) it really, truly was such a colossal goof that it will go down in infamy. I'd be surprised - and kind of impressed - if you managed that last one. So don't sweat the small stuff and remember, sometimes the toughest teachers are the BEST teachers.

Hugs and kisses!

Tazzonater said...

Well i did do a i embarrassed my self 3 days in a row plus today we had our first girl drama issue yay!! Which involved half of the girl in 5th grade. Yay!! And I doubt VERY much that you want to hear what happened because my school is basically a soap opera. It makes your problems seem like it's nothing!

LIT said...

Well, your last comment, Taz, made me break out laughing. If life were decided in 5th grade, I would have been buried before I made it to high school. Nobody made more mistakes than I did.

I used to think that soap operas were so unrealistic, but over the years I've known so many people whose lives had such intricate problems and so many strange twists that I now think of soap operas as only a hint of what real life is all about. Weird, isn't it?

Hang in there! Your mistakes will be less than others', and Goo is right. If you made such a mistake that others never forget, then get it cast in bronze and keep it on the mantle. Bet they don't even remember it by Thanksgiving---I'm putting a quarter on the table. (If you don't understand this, get your Dad to explain.)

Love you.

Tazzonater said...

My dad got embarrassed a lot?!!:D Anyways I'm doing announcements all this week and next week and the last two weeks of school. Plus i messed up again.:(

LIT said...

So, do you get a chance to practice these announcements a couple of times before you go on the air? Ask for a few minutes to do that, and be there early enough to read the announcements through ALOUD a couple of times.

Then when you read the announcements think of nothing else except what you are saying---slowly and carefully, and making sense.

Keep in mind that if others have the courage to make the announcements they can complain; if they don't have that courage then they can just button their lips.

What in the world embarrassed your father?

Keep on stepping up to the plate. You can't hit a homerun if you don't. (I know baseball is not your sport, but you'll understand what I'm saying.)

Love you, and let us know how next week goes.

Tazzonater said...

Well i do get to practice aloud with my partner like 5 times before we go on air.

Tazzonater said...

I didn't mess up!

LIT said...

All right! Now you've got your groove. Just pay attention, and stick with it. Proud of you.

Love you.